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2014. 03. 24



The First Wave of Forced Evacuation. Riot police armed with batons and shields forced about 600 students out of Beiping E. Road and the rear gate of the Executive Yuan. 23 students were arrested as criminals. One of the students was struck by a police shield in the left eye, causing wounds and severe bleeding.


The police initiated the second wave of forced evacuation, despite the students maintaining the principles of non-violent demonstration by lying on the ground, arm in arm, crying and accusing the police of violating the constitution. The police asked the students to retreat with bullhorns, forcefully dragging students, and attacking them with shields.


Riot police forcefully evicted people on Tianjin St. and Beijing E. Rd. Within 30 minutes, some 200 students occupying the courtyard of the Executive Yuan were forcefully evacuated. Many civilians escaped with blood all over their faces, telling the media the police had forcefully attacked peaceful protesters.


The Fourth Wave of Forced Evacuations. The police evicted unarmed civilians for the fourth time, carrying them away one by one. Some evicted civilians came back to the Executive Yuan, intending to raid it again, but were forced to leave.


The Fifth Wave of Forced Evacuations, the police isolated the media from civilians to attack them.


The police started the sixth wave of forceful evacuations by dispatching water cannons to blast the crowd at the front and side gates of the Executive Yuan.


Wei Yang, graduate student of Institute of Sociology, NTHU, came to support the protesters at the Executive Yuan. He was accused by the police of being the chief commander of the occupation and was arrested. Before the arrest, Wei Yang wrote on Facebook: "I'm sorry, I know it is irresponsible to mobilize people like this… We took over the Executive Yuan, not only to relieve the pressure on our comrades at the Legislative Yuan, but to show our resolution to the Ma government."








Facing a deadlock in Legislative Yuan, Speaker Wang Jing-pyng, convened both KMT and DPP parties to a conference between caucuses. However, the two confronting parties failed to reach consensus.

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